You spoke to my heart Lisa! There is a lot of profound goodness that you share. Ariel was one of my favorite characters growing up (partly because she had red hair like me!). I can relate to much of what you're saying about finding your authentic voice. This is something I've struggled with over the years and it has caused me lots of anxiety. There are many forces that work against us in society, like that obedience that you mentioned. We begin to think if we don't question things or stay quiet, we will be safer. I could write a novel back to what you said! Just know it all resonates. Your book sounds empowering and healing too.

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All the loveliest people are redheads Angela 😉 Well, maybe it’s a novel worth writing ….✍️ 🤔 I talk about this often. Glad it resonates but I’m sorry you’ve experienced the anxiety that it brings.

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Awee yes 🥰 Maybe so! I will save these thoughts for a possible writing piece. Or I could add them somewhere else. Yes! This was a cathartic read. I like how you broke down those internalized false beliefs too. It's good for my inner young self to read through those old beliefs and now be able to step forward into a more nourishing path. Yeah, the anxiety of it all is a lot to deal with. Thankful to be past some of that now and getting a little older helps too; more practice using my voice!

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