I loved this post Lisa :) Lately I have been listening to self worth affirmations every morning with my coffee. I just listened to one now :) It's been really helping counter the negative self talk. Loved all your tips. I also have a Compliments Vault where I keep compliments. I still struggle to really receive and accept compliments though...something I'm still working on. Wishing you fufilment with your new role at the University :)

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I know what you mean. It can be hard to let the nice stuff in. I’m a work in progress there too. Thanks for your lovely wishes. Have a great day!

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I am so glad you are on Substack. I keep a folder of special photos on my phone to look at when I am sad.

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β€œYou know when you’re healing because as you acknowledge the truth of what happened to you, the tears come, and they wash it all away. There is no healing without grief. β€œ β€”This.

It’s amazing how as I receive what I always needed in terms of love and compassion, from my self and it being reflected from others, I feel that deep sorrowful place where I am reminded how much it hurt to go without. The tears are cleansing, it’s a profound beautiful place to be, and by allowing myself to access the grief, I’m miraculously able to feel the well of gratitude that lives in my heart. Radiance. I enjoyed your reflections on your journey and am inspired by how far you have come. Thank you for sharing. πŸ™ keep shining that light. ✨

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Thanks Samantha. I’m so glad you’re getting what you need now. I think we are in the same place. It comes and goes as the outside world shows me what I missed. I watched the film β€˜Nativity’ yesterday and the absolute joy and innocence of the children in it had me balling my eyes out. Something has definitely shifted this morning. Wonderful! Thank you for being here and chatting with me.

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Thank you for openly sharing all of this with us, Lisa. I certainly can relate to what you've shared. I have been plagued with thoughts of "I'm not good enough" my whole life, even as a young child. I don't know where it stems from exactly, but I know I needed a lot more nurturing as a HSP child. Now, in my mid-late 30's I'm learning how to "parent myself." A term my neighbor used when we talked about life and both of us needing that reassurance. We carry our younger selves with us. I try to practice talking to myself before going to sleep at night, to help my body find peace. It's helped a lot, or when I feel anxious/scared. Sometimes though, we just need real human hug! Learning to be better at asking for those when I need them.

Thank you for sharing these tips. I wish you abundance in all that you do. I can tell you have a giving heart and you nurture others in your beautiful way. I'm glad we crossed paths.

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Thank you for bravely sharing your experience too, Angela. It’s all about reparenting that little girl within so she feels safe, loved and seen. I love the idea of talking to yourself at bedtime. This is an important time of day in families where parents often read stories to reconnect after being at work / school, and before disconnecting for a big sleep. It’s in the connection before and after separation that is essential. I think the online world separates me from myself too much and that is what I’m becoming more mindful of right now. Yeah hugsβ€¦β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜‰ can’t beat β€˜em. Sending one to you today. It’s truly lovely to meet you here πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ™βœ¨

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You’re welcome, Lisa. You’re so right about that. We can give our inner child security and comfort in a ways she didn’t get before. It’s such a learning process. A grief of its own. I like connection you make with self-talk at bedtime and the parallels it has with childhood. Usually a nurting time before individual rest. I do too, that connection before/after is really important. I wish my mom didn’t have to work a lot when I was a kid. I needed a lot of mama time in those early years. Interesting note about the online word. I have felt that as well. We could talk all day. I love it!

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