Lucy’s Story: from fearful to ready to write
Behind the scenes helping my lovely client, Lucy get ready to write her first book.
Lucy has been working with me for a couple of years on and off. She’s read my first book, taken my self-love journaling course, been to my inner child workshops, and is now embarking on my new programme ‘Write to Heal’.
Our session was on Whatsapp, which is how I mentor people these days. We use text and voice notes for a leisurely back-and-forth exchange. This works well as it slows down the communication, and gives my highly sensitive clients time and space to reflect. This also leverages their natural ability to process information more deeply without feeling pressurised or overwhelmed.
“It is the space between the notes that makes the music. Without that emptiness, that silence in between, there is no music, only a noise.”
- Dr Wayne Dyer.
I love this way of working together because I can support my lovely clients wherever they are: in the bath, walking the dog, making dinner or on the drive to work. On this particular day, Lucy and I were logged onto our laptops which I prefer. Unless I use my phone to send a voice note or a photograph of a card I’ve pulled to offer further insight or inspiration.
At the beginning of the session Lucy was worried her ideas for her first book were not good enough. I reassured her that even the most accomplished writers have a brutal inner critic.
I told her: “We are afraid of being with ourselves. So first you have to tell that story to you and get comfortable with it. The trick is to write through the resistance. Do the free-fall journaling technique and let it all pour out onto the page. Don’t judge it, just write.”
Having a professional who knows how to hold space for you while you write dissolves the fear - the fear of your own feelings. Turns out, Lucy was grieving too.
By remaining open with curious, non-judgemental questions, Lucy and I uncovered a painful memory from her childhood which was holding her back. We wrote through it and I talked Lucy some somatic exercises to help her with the emotions that came up. They were ready to be healed because Lucy felt safe.
I told her: “When you start writing, you have to write for you. Not as if the whole world (or the audience in your head) are going to read it. You write for you... for your soul. To find your voice. To let it speak. That's why free-fall writing is so powerful. The more you write, the louder your voice gets. This can feel scary to the inner child because she is 'breaking all the rules’. She is finally speaking all that was unspoken or forbidden.”
Next, we worked through Lucy’s ideas for her book. I felt privileged and they were brilliant! It’s fascinates me how creative souls channel their pain and their experiences into stories. This is the healing balm for the writer and the reader.
The session continued with me asking more questions to help Lucy understand what sits behind her (writer’s) blocks from childhood, and how she can work with them to help herself. Notice that I said with them and not to ignore, dismiss, change, delete or distract from them.
To finish the session, we pulled oracle and tarot cards, and I invited Lucy to try a new writing exercise before our next session.
By the end of the session, Lucy said: “I feel so much lighter now, I was worried I wasn't going to get anywhere today. Thanks Lisa. I feel more geared up to do what I need to.”
What is meant for you will not pass you by.
Life is not meant to feel heavy and draining. It might not be easy. It might take patience, but it will not feel like getting blood out of a stone.
The next step for Lucy is to start writing her book. It was a pleasure to leave her feeling motivated and ready to make a start.
The next step for me is to delete my website. *gasp* Watch this space. In the next month or so, I’ll be transferring everything over to Substack. I love it here!
What is the next step for you?
Maybe you have a book that you want to write? Or you’re interested to find out how writing your story can heal your past. If you’d like to apply to work with me, then send an email to with I’M READY FOR THE NEXT STEP in the subject line and let me know how having me as your mentor will make a difference to your life.
‘Write to Heal’ is my 3-month mentoring programme. Or you can have a one off intuitive reading with me where we tune into the magic of the tarot cards to see what is holding you back.
I look forward to hearing from you.
P.S. If you enjoyed today’s intuitive writing, please click on the heart at the top or bottom of this post. It helps others discover The Intuitive Writer and makes me happy!