Meet the Author Q&A: Stuck Between Two Worlds by Lisa Parkes
Behind the scenes writing my first novel - the inspiration, memories from childhood and advice for aspiring writers.
Growing up as an HSP (highly sensitive person) …where does she really belong?
Ruby’s life with her family in the Hologram House seems to be a happy one. But despite its perfect appearance, Ruby’s family is hiding dark secrets. Ruby longs for another life, but there seems to be no way out. Until one day, a stranger appears and leads Ruby to the Wilderness, where she discovers another life does await her—the life of a Wildheart.
As Ruby discovers her true power, one question remains—will she stay in the Wilderness with her Wildheart friends, or will she return to the Hologram House where her family and their secrets are waiting?
Join Ruby as she learns to use her Wildheart superpowers for good. As she navigates the challenges of the Wilderness, she learns valuable life lessons including how to manage her worries, overcome her fears, and deal with explosive anger.
Meet the Author Q&A
What is your favourite memory from reading as a child?
I remember relaxing rainy days where we couldn’t go outside. I would sit in my playroom or lie on my bed and read. I could literally dive into a book and lose myself for the whole day. It was my idea of heaven and even now – all these years later – I love a rainy Sunday.
Who was your favourite author and how did they influence you?
I loved Enid Blyton. In her book, The Enchanted Wood, she created other worlds to explore at the top of the Magic Faraway Tree. She helped me see that my imagination was limitless and gave me some respite from a noisy world. I realised I could go anywhere in my mind and nobody could find me there. It was my most private place and I was happy there.
Do you have a writing routine?
I love to write to music. Music is energizing and uplifting. I’m better writing early in the day. When I wake up my brain is full of ideas. I’m inspired by my work and by things I observe in daily life. I usually make notes in my phone if something happens or I see something that moves me or teaches me something. I like to write in a journal most days by hand. But when I’m writing a book or a podcast episode, I just sit down at my laptop and let my fingers do the talking. I write unedited and from my heart. I think about what I want to say, not what other people will want to hear. Then I go back after a cup of tea and tweak it.
What subjects would you like to write about in future projects?
I would like to write more about how we treat children and what they need to grow up feeling happy and healthy. I would also like to write more for the child who feels like they don’t belong or who feels alone or different.
What is your favourite memory growing up?
Going on holiday – stepping out of the daily routine and visiting somewhere new. I love the sea, ice cream, swimming and reading in the shady spots. I was lucky as a kid, in that I went to Disney a few times and I fell in love with the magic of the place. I can remember having my picture taken with Minnie and Mickey. The highlight was watching the electrical light parade on Main Street and telling my Mum that I wanted to be a Disney dancer. That or a dolphin trainer. I loved swimming and dancing. I still do!
What inspired you to become a Life Coach and then Child Coach?
It wasn’t a path I chose – it chose me! In my personal life I had a lot of therapy to heal from my own childhood challenges which manifested as PTSD, anxiety and depression. As a life-long learner and avid reader, I then began to study everything I could get my hands on. It was a long and painful process and lonely at times. I wanted to make a future contribution to break the cycle and for there to be less hurt children in the world.
What gave you the idea to write “Stuck Between Two Worlds”?
I didn’t know how, but I had the idea to write a book that would incorporate my childhood and my work with children in a way that could be understood on different levels. I think I have done that with the magic and the wonder of The Wilderness – a free place for children to follow their hearts, and Nettie the fairy mentor who is playing the role of the ‘good enough’ parent. Luckily for me, once I started to write it all fell out on the page easily.
What would be some advice you could give to aspiring younger authors?
To write as often as you are able to. Find ways to make writing part of your daily routine – journaling is good for that. Don’t edit yourself. Write what is in your heart, not what you think people want to hear. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth and what is right for you. It’s your story, your words and it is unique to you. Write from your own real life experiences and the places you go to in your imagination.
What is it you love the best about being a children’s author?
This is my first book and I find it hard to wrap my head around that word! I’m excited that I can reach more people with my work and do it in a way that is enjoyable. Learning about ourselves and the world we live in should be fun. I like to think that my book would keep the reader company during those times when they felt lonely or disappointed by life.
What is writing to you in one sentence?
Writing gives me the freedom to express my inner world, and share that with other like-minded souls.
Praise for Stuck Between Two Worlds
I’ve been reading your book over the past few days and have about fifty pages left. I’ve loved it! It has added itself to my mind and heart already. Ruby and Nettie are new friends to me now. I’m very grateful to you, Lisa, for having written this story. It really feel as if it has transformed the energy and landscape of my heart. Thank you!
I’m loving your book. It’s put much of my own childhood into words and ‘justified’ my feelings of then and now. So helpful, I can’t tell you. When you are an old lady, you will look back on your life and realise (I hope) that you have impacted greatly and positively on children and parents with your huge efforts to educate. A massive thank you for that.
I could not put this book down! A brave story, with a strong message that goes straight to your heart. Stuck Between Two Worlds takes you on a magical adventure as Ruby learns to trust herself and her heart. I laughed, I cried and I related to everything Ruby had to go through. Ruby learned to open her heart to life outside of her bedroom window. Ruby moves from sadness, fear and loneliness to hope and joy and so can you! Stuck Between Two Worlds encourages readers to be brave and to follow their wild hearts!
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