Journal Prompts for Letting Go
Download your exclusive journal with self-care prompts and a channelled audio message for the month ahead.
Hello Lovely Wildheart,
Welcome to August. How are you feeling as we step into this month’s expansive and exciting energy? This month it’s all about Releasing Expectations, and Embracing the Power of Letting Go!
Let’s see what messages want to come through from the cards for you today.
Card Decks Used:
Self Care Wisdom Cards by the lovely Cheryl Richardson
The Lightseers Tarot by Chris Anne
Disclaimer: Lots of people go for tarot card readings because they think that the tarot is there to predict the future. I don't use the tarot in that way. The tarot for me is a a mirror. It is a reflection of what is going on inside of you that perhaps you can't see or are unaware of. The minute you bring it into your awareness is the minute you can start to heal it.
This is a general reading. Take what resonates and leave the rest.